profiling for attitude
selecting for fit

Our Core Beliefs – why we exist

  • We believe that people truly are the most important aspect of any organisation
  • We also believe that there is a far more effective way of selecting people than the current norms practised by the majority of recruitment firms.
  • Recent scientific research (in both psychology and neuroscience) tells us that the people’s attitudes are the best indicators of their long run behaviours – how they perceive their world, how they will react in situations, how they will behave, how they are motivated, how they will work. In short, what sort of performance they will consistently deliver. The very highest performing organisations (e.g. in sport, elite military units, and in a very few commercial entities) have been profiling for attitudes and selecting for attitudinal fit for many years. So does Perfect People.
  •  We have a focus on the middle management and functions of organisations’. We believe that when you are seeking consistent, day to day high performance over the long term the people in the middle of organisations are critically important. They are your ‘engine room’ - the people who meet with customers, interpret and turnaround proposals, negotiate and close deals, resolve customer issues, and deliver service. Your brand, your profit, your reputation, in fact your whole business and its performance, is entrusted into their hands
  • We know that finding and retaining your ‘perfect people’ is becoming harder to achieve, not easier. Research shows worrying statistics and trends – here is a sample from the many available:


  • 24% of employees have job-seeking intentions within the coming year (up from 20% in 2015) – CIPD Spring Survey 2016
  • 25% of millennials would quit their current employer to do something different. 44% would quit when the period is increased to two years. By 2020 66% hope to have moved on – Deloitte Survey 2016
  • 66% of employees state they are disengaged at work with 17% saying they are actively disengaged and looking for new opportunities - – CIPD 2016)
  • In a study of 20,000 employees in over 100 organisations nearly 40% of internal job moves for ‘high potentials’ ends in failure. 12% of high potentials said they were actively searching for a new job – Harvard Business Review
  • In the same study it was found that 89% of the failures were due to reasons of attitude with only 11% being due to competence and experience reasons
  • 20% of new hires say they are looking around for a new job within the first week of taking up a new appointment – Chartered Management Institute 2016

Perfect People Profiles and Selects candidates for roles based on Attitudes and Attitudinal Fit

Perfect People carries out Profile Audits in partnership with clients for every role being selected for

Perfect People employs an eight-stage profiling and selection regime that employs scientifically and psychologically rigorous concepts and tests

Perfect People help hiring for high performance employee

Perfect People is not a recruitment company – it is a Profiling and Selection company.

Perfect People’s own staff are psychologists and business people who themselves have run significant enterprises. They speak the language of your business and that of your people experts

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