Decide on the attitudes you consider crucial for your top performers and let us assess your candidates on them.
We select and apply only those psychological questionnaires which measure the particular attitudes you need.
Perfect People provides you with an 'à la carte' menu in contrast to 'run of the mill' tests which more closely resemble a fixed menu.
We find and apply only those psychological questionnaires which measure the particular attitudes you need and desire.
Perfect People provides you with an 'à la carte' menu in contrast to 'run of the mill' tests which resemble a fixed menu.
Imagine you are really hungry and you go into a restaurant where you are offered only a fixed menu. This menu does not have what you really crave but at least it has things that will fill you up. Now, imagine going into a restaurant with a full ‘a la carte’ menu. Here you can pick and choose to your heart’s delight.
Now consider the run of the mill recruitment ‘industry’. When you are buying from the big players, or test builders like Hogan, Dimensions or Cubics, they are like the fixed menu. They are selling you what they have and what they sell to hundreds of other companies, but it may not necessarily be what you really need. What’s more, you are buying their commercial product, a psychometric multi-trait test. This is where much of their revenue comes from. They also make money from licensing 'deliverers' who in turn promote these proprietary test since they have a personal investment in them.
We have an extensive library of tests (32 +). Each test has been rigorously developed and comprises only of scientifically sound, widely acknowledged, psychological questionnaires. Each test measures a single attitude and gives us psychological assessment. We have selected only those tests produced with scientific rigour, demonstrating high validity and high reliability and prepared by well recognised and acknowledged psychologists for wide use in organisational settings.
The role audit we undertake with you determines which combination of attitude focused tests we use for the role being filled. You can be assured of the closest possible fit.
Evidence based
Candidate Friendly
High quality
Questionnaires that we use are:
scientifically rigorous
have been created by acclaimed, widely recognised scholars and academics and are well documented
fair and secure
meet recognised and rigorous psychological test design standards
are professionally interpreted by BPS (British Psychological Society) accredited psychologists
are administered appropriately by COTU (Certificate in Organizational Test Use) accredited psychologists